We do have a story..

Once upon a time in a land not so far away Our founder Shayaz kaka was in a situation where he hoped he had a mudguard on his bicycle but unfortunately didn’t and well let’s just say it was a wet and uncomfortable ride. The mudguards available in the market had of course gone through a change but nothing that caught his fancy. What he wanted was no unnecessary tools to fix it, easily removable, easy to store, and what if it had an added feature such as an integrated rear light and GPS.

Once home With a lot of determination began the walk from the living room to the bedroom looking for a pen and paper (why is it we can never find one when we need it?)

Anyways back to the story..

He starts coming up with some sketches over the next couple of weeks. after narrowing down on a few, then went on to see if the idea was feasible, made the first prototype from craft paper which was a success, a tiny step that lead to something big, introducing Muc N TuC mudguards.

Our mudguards are light, fold to the size of your smartphone, and can be attached and detached in a matter of seconds. It also has an integrated rear light and an inbuilt sim-based GPS tracker.

We are very close to having a product that we can be proud of and that you will love and estimate to go into production in the first quarter of 2024. We are also patent pending.

Thanks For Dropping By !!

Note: All images you see currently on our site are of various prototypes